WalletX User Guide

Welcome to WalletX! This guide will walk you through how to use our service to find profitable wallets on both the Solana and Tron blockchains and copy their trades. By following this guide, you will be able to leverage powerful tools to enhance your trading strategy across multiple chains.


WalletX is a tool that allows you to scan and analyze wallets on the Solana and Tron blockchains to determine their profitability. This guide will cover:

  • Finding and analyzing profitable wallets using WalletX.
  • Copy trading using Trojan Bot on Solana and Tron, as well as other popular Telegram trading bots.

Step-by-Step Guide

1. Finding Profitable Wallets with WalletX

Accessing WalletX

To get started, open WalletX on Telegram. WalletX supports both Solana and Tron blockchains, so you can analyze wallets on either network.

Using WalletX

WalletX offers a free version that provides up to 5 daily requests for analyzing wallet data. Here’s how you can use it on Solana and Tron:

Entering Wallet Address:
  • Find a wallet you want to analyze on Solscan (for Solana) or Tronscan (for Tron) and copy its wallet address.
  • Paste the wallet address into WalletX via Telegram.
Analyzing Wallets:

After entering the wallet address, WalletX will provide a 30-day summary of the wallet’s trading history. Here’s a detailed breakdown of the key categories and metrics:

  • 🔑 Account Information: Displays key wallet details such as:
    • Address: The unique identifier of the wallet on the blockchain.
    • Tags: Additional labels or identifiers for the wallet that provide context or categorization.
    • Balance: The total amount of assets held in the wallet, displayed in SOL or TRX.
    • Assets: A breakdown of the specific tokens or coins held in the wallet.
  • 📊 Transactions (30d): A summary of the wallet’s trading activity over the last 30 days, with metrics including:
    • Avg. Trade Duration: The average time between buying and selling an asset.
    • Avg. Buy Amount: The average value of each buy transaction.
    • Avg. Buys per Token: The average number of buy transactions for each token traded.
    • Buys: The total number of buy transactions completed in the last 30 days.
    • Sells: The total number of sell transactions completed in the last 30 days.
    • Purchase Volume: The total value of all assets purchased over the 30-day period.
  • Performance Metrics (30d): Detailed performance evaluation, including:
    • ROI (Return on Investment): Measures the percentage of profit or loss generated from trades over the last 30 days.
    • Winrate: The percentage of trades that were profitable, calculated as a ratio of winning trades to total trades.
    • Profit Amount (SOL/TRX): The total profit or loss accumulated during the 30-day period, expressed in SOL or TRX.
    • Unrealized Profit: The potential profit from currently held positions, assuming they were sold at current market prices.
  • Daily Profits (30d): A day-by-day summary of the wallet’s performance over the last 30 days, providing a visual representation and corresponding profit or loss for each day.
  • Unique Tokens (30d): Analysis of the wallet’s performance based on the specific tokens traded over the last 30 days, categorized into different ROI ranges. The tokens are divided into categories such as highly profitable, moderately profitable, and loss-making tokens, using emoji indicators like 🚀 (high ROI) or 💩 (negative ROI).
  • Flags: Highlights specific behaviors of the wallet, such as:
    • 🛒 Pre-sale: Indicates whether the wallet participated in pre-sale events for tokens.
    • 💊 Pump.fun Token: Refers to tokens that originate from pump.fun platform
    • Didn’t Buy: Shows if the wallet received tokens for a coin (Often associated with Pre-sale)
    • 🎯 Snipes (10s): Denotes trades that were executed within a very short time frame (within 10 seconds), usually indicating high-frequency trading or bot-assisted sniping.
  • Last 10 Tokens Traded: Overview of the last 10 tokens traded, including name, profit/loss in solana and trade duration:
    • 😡 SMN: -48% | -1 SOL | 0h 6m 59s
    • 💸 mun: 143% | 0.82 SOL | 0h 6m 59s
    • 💸 T-Wex: 71% | 0.41 SOL | 0h 6m 59s
    • 💸 BWOT: 63% | 0.36 SOL | 0h 6m 59s
    • 💸 WONG: 59% | 0.33 SOL | 0h 6m 59s
    • 😡 LAME: -1% | -0 SOL | 0h 6m 59s
    • 💸 PAWS: 72% | 0.41 SOL | 0h 6m 59s
    • 💸 FAURA: 133% | 0.75 SOL | 0h 6m 59s
    • 💸 Halal: 99% | 0.57 SOL | 0h 6m 59s
    • 💸 DOX: 37% | 0.22 SOL | 0h 6m 59s

Once you’ve found a profitable wallet, you can start copy trading using one of the popular Telegram trading bots. WalletX integrates seamlessly with these bots to allow automated copy trading on both Solana and Tron:

  • Trojan Bot: Most Popular Solana Trading Bot on Telegram
  • OdinBot: Fastest trading bot, making it easy to follow top traders.
  • SolTradingBot: A Solana-specific bot that helps you automate your copy trading with high precision.
  • Maestro: The only bot that supports both Solana, Tron, Eth and more chains, offering advanced features for experienced traders.
  • Magnum
  • Fluxbot

All these bots work alongside WalletX, allowing you to implement effective copy trading strategies based on wallet analysis. You can easily integrate these bots with your WalletX insights for maximum profitability.

Next Steps

Now that you know how to find and analyze wallets, and copy their trades using popular Telegram trading bots, you’re ready to explore more advanced features of WalletX. Continue to the next page to learn about premium options and advanced strategies!